Spirit Energetical Flakes These things existed before visible space and visible spirit-energetic matter came into existence as solid coarse material as we know it today. They developed over time and in strength to the stage where they could then be counted as tangible and of appearance. They had the appearance of a sort of milky […]
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Duty to oneself and one’s own duties can be understood simply as the duties that each human being has in regard to himself/herself. This teaching encompasses an enormous scope when one takes into consideration the consciousness development and evolution, the good and positive values that are to be nurtured in one’s self, the caring for […]
The first principle is based in the existence of the all-embracing spirit of the creational, all-enlivening spirit, in that which is spiritual, physical and conscious, and thus in everything spiritual and material The second principle is based on the equality and equal value of all things which are spiritual, physical and conscious, thus all things […]
No life is able to exist without love and without the light of truth. However, no light is able to exist without love and truth, and no truth is able to exist without light and love. True love, is true BEING, and it is the everlasting warmth from the centre of Creation, which is described […]