Come join our monthly public meeting!

Dear truth seekers, 

I hope this message finds you well. 

We are excited to invite you to our monthly group meeting which takes place on the 3rd week of each month. 

Details for the next meeting in the following:

Date: 18/10/2023
Time: 8:30PM 
Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 860 2675 5312
- Various discussion on the creation energy teaching.
- Presentation (topic and speaker will be announced prior). 
- To assist those and ourselves towards the Creational truth. 

How to Join:
- Click on the Zoom meeting link provided above.
- You will be placed in the waiting room until the host admits you to the meeting.

Note: Please ensure you have the Zoom app installed on your device for the best experience. 

You can download it here:

We also highly encourage you to join our telegram group for future updates. 

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