The Henoch Prophecies Presented by Quetzal 215th Contact, Saturday, February 28, 1987, 2.09 am © Billy Meier/FIGU 2002–2004 Quetzal Before I give you a clear account of the prophecies of Henoch, I would like to point out that prophecies are always changeable and can be changed for the better if man makes positive changes in […]
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The terrestrial human race is entering and witnessing a phase of very powerful cosmic change. It is a new era, a new age, which continually and distinctly becomes clearer to the eyes of observant, consciously more advanced human beings. While most of mankind here on Earth lies in a deep abyss of ignorance and of […]
1. Man and woman and their relationships to one another, neither one nor the other must be indifferent because together they guarantee the progress and survival of humankind. 2. Both can avoid each other in fact and go on their own ways being single, however, from the moment that they bring forth feelings for one […]
Through a regular daily meditation and through the daily practical experience and living experience of the life, very many and valuable cognitions can be gained. In relation to the meditation, there are many of those which can be practised every day, however in particular three kinds of meditations, which are of particular significance, are to […]
If the life is viewed and considered in all its situations and variations, then it can berecognised that life means a constant struggle, a continuous careful study of one’s owninnermost (self) and outer self. The innermost self, which exists in the deepest consciousness,reflects the values of the creational spirit, but in opposition to that, the […]
Quote from an Interview with Billy (1998) The purpose of our life is for us to evolve – the advancement and continued development of our being at a constant pace to ever higher levels. The purpose of evolution lies within the concept of achieving the highest possible human development, including love, harmony, ability, knowledge and […]
Forms of Evolution Creation evolution Spirit-energetical evolution of Creation Conscious evolution of the consciousness Only the human being evolves by means of the conscious evolution of the consciousness Instinct evolution Life-forms of animals and other creatures Impulse evolution Adaptation evolution, respectively, assimilation evolution Plant life-forms Energy evolution Transformation evolution, respectively, conversion evolution […]
Question:Is it true that humans have more than one life? Answer:Yes, it is correct. Humans are subject to the law of reincarnation; therefore, they are born again. This also applies to all other life forms that have a consciousness and an evolving spiritual form. Therefore, when human beings die, their spirit form leaves their physical […]
Narrator: Antoni Lavecchia Website: Author: Jedaiah Ramnarine