The Might of Music

Excerpt from Contact report 634:

  1. Of course I can, and so I want to explain the following:
  2. There are many types of music, such as aggressive, frightening, provocative, buoyant,
    malicious, exciting, humiliating, gloomy, delightful, dangerous, violent, horrifying,
    harmonious, humorous, jubilant, combative, warlike, boring, lovely, loving, murderous,
    coercing, unconscious, paranoid, psychopathic, riotous, revolting, creeping, longing, sensual,
    falling in love, destroying, destructive and compelling forms, among various other species.
  3. The power of music, in all the variations mentioned, has an effect on human emotions and
    makes them vibrate.
  4. And this is because every kind of music has an effect on the body, the thoughts and feelings
    and thus also on the psyche, as well as on the consciousness and the whole mental block, and
    on the subconscious, and on the behaviour and action.
  5. The situation-related, personality-specific and music-immanent influencing factors (Billy:
    Immanent in relation to music = inherent in the music, or contained in the music) must be
    taken into account.
  6. Music does not only shape the human being from birth, but already in the prenatal or
    prenatal state, because it touches already in the mother’s womb the becoming human being in
    the deep inside of his developing inner being.
  7. When a person is born, music can inspire him, even as a young child, as well as in
    adolescence and adulthood, to composing, as well as to physical, action- and thoughtemotional-psychological, as well as mental and thus intellectual and rational peak
    performances, and can also have a healing and thus restorative effect with regard to the same
  8. So music certainly has a stimulating, as well as an energy-creating and therapeutic power.
  9. The power and sounds of music can thus be used by doctors, therapists and educators, e.g.
    to relieve pain, but also to evoke memories or to overcome psychological barriers.
  10. Music can be used therapeutically, neuroscientifically, psychologically, psychiatrically
    and evolutively, as well as to facilitate interpersonal communication.
  11. Music also promotes in man the function of behavioural development; consequently,
    certain sounds, melodies and harmonies touch him peacefully and in a very special way, while
    others leave him completely untouched, while others again excite him, excite him and even
    degenerate him maliciously to murderously and destructively, according to the forms as they
    were called in the introduction.
  12. Music of any kind, no matter whether it is good and pleasing, or whether it can be described
    as alien to music and harmony and must be called evil, bad, miserable or dangerous,
    murderous and destructive – as has been the case, for example, since the mid-1980s with bad
    pop and other unmusical, malicious, malicious sounding noises, with blare and roar etc. –
    affects all levels of the brain.
  13. As a result, everything related to really good music and harmony, which includes
    everything from classical to pop and folk music – as well as everything unmusical and
    disharmonic of any kind – has a direct access to thoughts, feelings and emotions.
  14. This means that every human being is shaped in his character, personality, thoughts,
    feelings and psyche in such a way that he acts and lives out his behaviour as his senses are
    shaped in a musical-harmonic or unmusical-disharmonic direction.
  15. The whole thing has been deeply anchored in the human brain since time immemorial,
    whereby it has evolved along with the general evolution and helps the human being to
    reconcile himself with ancient mental-emotional-psychological as well as emotional needs in
    a world primarily characterized by language, mind and reason.
  16. Really harmonic sounds, called music, have nothing to do with unmusical, malicious,
    disharmonic, discordant noises, booming blasts and wild roaring etc., which is called ‘music’
    and misunderstood by earth-men who are disturbed by sound vibrations.
  17. Harmonic sounds or music are the expression of universal-musical-harmonic laws of
    nature, whereby the whole universe and everything that exists in it makes music in its own
    way, be it a star, a planet, the sound of the universe, a way of life, the water, the air or whatever.
  18. Musical sounds are universally contained in everything and absolutely common in
    everything, as is the case with humans, but the forms of harmony or disharmony determine
    the important role of their behaviour, both positive and negative.
  19. Many of the universal sounds are not audible to the human ear because the sound
    vibrations cannot be perceived, even with equipment.
  20. Also crystals of all kinds, precious stones, metals of all kinds, rocks and everything and
    everyone has sound vibrations, so everything that exists in the universe, therefore there is
    nothing that does not connect sound vibrationally with everything and everyone in a universal
  21. The sound vibrations of all existences form the universal connection of all things resp. of
    everything and everyone that exists in the universe, whereby it is also given that all universally
    existences have knowledge of each other.
  22. In this way, the tiniest in the universe has knowledge of the most powerful, like the most
    powerful has knowledge of the tiniest, starting from the most powerful hypergalaxy to the
    tiniest spirit-energetic particle, which Earthly physicists will not be aware of for a long time
    yet and which will still provide them with much research work.
  23. But how it is that people in all cultures and other life forms on all inhabited worlds in the
    universe have been creating complicated patterns of sound waves and sound vibrations since
    the beginning of their existence and history, which produce energies and forces as music,
    melodies and rhythms in all life forms, corresponds to a specific law of the universe.
  24. Basically, the universe itself is harmonically sound determined, which can also be called
    music determined, therefore music is not a pure human invention, because truthfully man has
    taken the musical from the universe and worked out and expanded it according to his needs
    and wishes etc..
  25. Of all the many natural sounds that already constitute a basic structure of music, man
    perceives only a few sounds and tones that are produced when things like membranes or
    strings start to vibrate, but these produce only a few frequencies that are audible to man, which
    are in a simple and clearly structured relationship to each other.
  26. In these few frequencies, however, there is the entire vibrational energy, from which clear
    and widely audible signals emerge, although the human usually consciously perceives only
    the lowest frequency.
  27. The other frequencies always resonate as overtones and determine the timbre, resulting in
    the difference between different vocal parts and various musical instruments.
  28. If the first overtone is used, it is always twice the frequency of the fundamental.
  29. If man hears a second tone, the fundamental of which vibrates at this double frequency,
    then they sound at a distance of one octave, and these two tones are considered by humans to
    be extremely similar.
  30. Harmonious sounds or tones, which become music for humans, are created by the brain
    performing an enormous amount of analysis, namely by effortlessly assigning a complicated
    mixture of harmonic sound waves or sound oscillations to individual instruments and voices
    and recognizing musical motifs and phrases in them.
  31. The different areas of the entire brain work together, so that a specific ‘music centre’ is not
    responsible for the relevant performance.
  32. However, the whole thing does not only result after the birth, because effectively this
    happens already very early in the womb, namely already from the 21st day after the
    conception, if the embryo is begeistet by the intruding or reincarnating spirit form.
  33. Already as an embryo, the growing brain of a child in the womb can classify music – as
    well as other sounds, tones and noises – from the outside as well as from the inside, whereby
    it can even create musical tones itself.
  34. Consequently, it is completely normal for a child to start humming harmoniously shortly
    after birth, even in the form of melodies which it has already absorbed from the outside into
    its brain and memory as an embryo, as a fetus or as an infant growing up effectively in the
  35. Which music will predominate in the child or in adolescence or adulthood depends on the
    one hand on what was imparted to him by the mother in the womb, but on the other hand also
    on many other factors, such as education, the environment, the thought-feel-psych-mentalconsciousness world, the circle of acquaintances and friends, the direction of work, training,
    the form of society and membership in groups and organisations, a religion or sect.
  36. The intuition for music is shared by all people – except those who suffer from rare
    neurological diseases – and therefore every human being is basically musical.
  37. However, it should be noted that those people who have a neurologically disturbed
    relationship to the harmony of music, and as a result, because brain physiological damage
    factors are present, cannot evaluate harmonic sounds and tones as such.
  38. They are subsequently attached to disharmony and followers of disharmonious noises,
    wild roaring, howling, howling – which they consider to be singing -, banging, nerve-racking
    discord and harmonic discrepancy, etc.
  39. Music has a very big influence on the human brain, therefore e.g. cheerful pieces of music,
    a concert or a dance style reduce the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood.
  40. The use of music as medicine can have very good effects, e.g. after a stroke or brain
  41. Through music, movements can be coordinated again, and with tinnitus, specially
    processed music can make the noises in the ears disappear again.
  42. Aggression, Alzheimer’s or other dementias as well as behavioural disorders can be
    alleviated by special harmonic music and singing together, but relevant music can also bring
    back memories.
  43. Harmonic music of all kinds can give life an emotional hold again, make life easier or
  44. And when people are constantly sprinkled with harmonious music, such as at work, this
    contributes to a much greater willingness to work, stamina and performance.
  45. So man is closely interwoven with harmonic music because it gives him an emotional core
    that remains in him even when certain parts of his personality are already damaged and his
    memories become weaker.
  46. The fact is that harmonic music, which can be classical, pop or folk, etc. – but never
    disharmonic according to unmusical noises and dissonances, etc. – has a shaping effect on
    brain structures.
  47. Harmonic music even creates a promotion of intelligence, contrary to the stupid and false
    assertion of terrestrial psychology that intelligence is not changeable and not expandable.
  48. With harmonic music man can improve his mental-emotional-psychological world as well
    as other functions, whereby he only has to choose the right music and devote himself to it.
  49. In this way, everyone can do a certain amount of self-treatment if they allow themselves
    to be sprinkled with the harmonious music that is right for them during the course of the day,
    at work and in their leisure time.
  50. But this only works effectively with good harmonic music, which can be classical, pop or
    folk, as well as harmonic pop, metal sound and jazz etc., but not with the already mentioned
    disharmony of negative noises, banging, howling and roaring etc..
  51. Music affects the hypothalamus via the auditory nerves, influences vegetative functions
    and causes a complete exchange with cognitive levels of the brain, because listening to music
    causes vegetative changes.
  52. Basically, listening to music can be based on eight different aspects, with the following
    effects occurring:
  53. 1) Associative listening to music: The activity of consciousness is more intense.
  54. 2) Sentimental listening to music: memories, triggering thought-feeling-emotions.
  55. 3) Compensatory listening to music: controlling the mood.
  56. 4) Motor listening to music: triggers body movements.
  57. 5) Vegetative listening to music: Conceptual thinking hardly plays a role, but the
    music is reduced to pure physicality = dull stomach feeling, goose bumps, shivers, etc.
  58. 6) Emotional listening to music: body excitation is perceived semantically, specifically
    as fear, joy, grief, etc.
  59. 7) Distancing or structural listening to music: Consciously following the music
    through; distancing, contemplative; submerging music.
  60. 8) Diffuse listening to music: Distance from the music; music is perceived as
  61. Music can trigger many different forms of behaviour, as was explained at the beginning
    of this article, and can therefore trigger a wide variety of positive or negative actions and
    behaviour depending on the type of harmonic music or disharmonic sound.
  62. In a very positive way, harmonic music can have an extremely mood-lifting effect on the
    psychic world of thoughts and feelings and thus even as a means of systematically treating
    and remedying depressions, if the right music is chosen that appeals to the person.
  63. Similar to a painkiller, Mozart music, for example, can work against headaches, while
    another composition, which makes one day painless or happy, causes pain or sadness the next
    day – depending on the moral condition.
  64. Music can also help well with severe psychosomatic symptoms as well as in psychiatry,
    because the mental, emotional and emotional effects of music are particularly useful for
    suffering people.
  65. Furthermore, good, harmonic music is a strong means to challenge people emotionally in
    a variety of ways, because through it the inner defense becomes permeable, which is basically
    more or less given to every person for various things.
  66. Through good, harmonious music of any kind, unpleasant or pleasant thoughts and
    feelings as well as emotions can be perceived, dissolved and switched off, built up and
  67. Through good harmonic music – and it is really only good and harmonic music that is
    meant – not only thoughts, feelings and emotions can be conveyed to people, but also a
    comprehensive communication can be achieved without words and actions.
  68. And this is possible both among people who cannot speak, but who are also not able to
    communicate linguistically because they speak another language.
  69. The same is true, if such therapies are carried out, with regard to music therapies for
    sufferings and diseases as well as for dementia and even for people in a vegetative state.
  70. A lack of communication can be extended by good music and can help in the physical,
    psychological and conscious development of people, both young children and adolescents and
  71. Also, through good and harmonious sounds, deficits of many thought-feel-psych-mentalmoderate forms can be compensated, as well as in disorders of mother-child relationships
    something is stimulated, which was neglected early in the development of the child and
    normally already from the pregnancy, but latest after the birth by the mother should be carried
  72. Unfortunately, however, many mothers and fathers try to draw the attention of their
    newborn babies and then of the growing child to themselves and to produce a one-sided
    monologue, which they mistakenly believe to be communication, but thereby create more
    distance between themselves and the child with their ‘baby language’ than just a valuable
    relationship and connection, by means of vociferous and vociferous portrayals and unwise
    exaggerations in their usual way of speaking.
  73. Reasonable words, a reasonable language spoken to babies and children, should be as
    much as it is with adults, as you have already explained in your educational book, because
    every ‘baby language’ and other ‘infant language’ creates harmful influences in the children
    with regard to language behaviour etc., which have a lifelong effect.
  74. And when it is mistakenly thought that the ‘baby language’, ‘toddler language’, the loud
    pictorial and loud dazzling language of the parents form an origin of music, then this does not
    correspond to reality, but to a completely wrong assumption.
  75. The fact is, however, that music has always strengthened people’s thoughts and feelings
    of togetherness, and continues to do so in the future.
  76. Already very early hominids made music together, by rough singing and by rhythmic
    knocking on hollow fruits, pieces of wood, bones and stones etc., even if this is not known by
    earthly researchers and scientists, like paleontologists etc..
  77. They also performed dances, which made them happy and strengthened their social
    structures and also led to a dopamine release in the brain.
    What today’s youth and even many adults ‘afford’ today as ‘music’ is catastrophic and has
    nothing to do with good, harmonic and music at all anymore. It is no more than an explosive
    that numbs the ears and poisons the consciousness as well as the thought-feeling-psychoworld and even makes the body ill. And if the whole thing is seen from a clear point of view,
    then there is the evil intention behind it, not only to bring about the end of good, harmonious
    and valuable music, but also to destroy the entire traditional occidental culture, such as the
    valuable interpersonal relationships and the general social context of the people of the western
    world. The western man is downright stultified and made extremely aggressive by – as you
    said – unmusical, missounding and disease-causing noises, by howling, whining and
    smashing, which is madly called and understood as ‘music’. It’s not only ghastly pop and
    catastrophically bad heavy metal music, lousy hits, but also new jazz etc. etc., which makes
    the good, harmonic music sink into the sidelines, like good classical music, hits, good pop,
    rock and good metal as well as folk music etc.. And not only humans suffer from all that is
    unmusical, but also animals, animals and birds, etc., which become ill and disturbed by the
    unmusical noises, the roaring, howling and roaring, etc.. Like humans, they react accordingly
    to the nerve-killing and health-damaging riots and the discord of unmusic, which, in relation
    to humans, have a very damaging effect on their intelligence, thoughts, feelings and psyche,
    as well as a negative effect on their consciousness and a destructive effect on their social
    behaviour. In addition, hard, aggressive unmusic not only weakens the learning ability of
    humans, animals and mammals, but it also slowly and continuously disturbs and destroys
    social behaviour in every respect, especially in relation to those people who are not
    particularly blessed with intelligence.

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