Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Origin of All Existence

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All consistently and throughout on ‹Endless Duration›, ‹Absolute-Nothing›, ‹Perfect-Absolute-Vacuum›, the ‹Perfect-Absolute-Nothing›, the ‹Absolute-Nothing-Space›, Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Origin, Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Impulse, the ‹BEING-Absolutum›, SOHAR-Absolutum, Super-Absolutum, Creations-Absolutum, Central-Absolutum, Ur-Absolutum, Absolutes-Absolutum, Vacuum etc. etc., related explanations correspond to the memory storage banks of the universal herald Nokodemion, which were retrieved, fathomed, compiled, elaborated, coded and explained by me in written form without any falsification.

– SSSC, August 11, 2016, ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM)

  • Original German created & written by ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM)
  • Official English Translation published by PSI (Peace Seeking Intelligence)
  • Official English Translation by Jedaiah Ramnarine (Jedi Reach)
  • Original German published by FIGU Switzerland
  • Official English Translation published by PSI (Peace Seeking Intelligence)

Might of the Thoughts

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Of all Billy’s uniquely personally helpful books begging to be translated, The Might of the Thoughts was decided upon as THE book to undertake first, simply because a working knowledge of the contents of this particular book provides the golden key, for those who do not have access to the German language, to all his other works. In short, it does this by teaching us how to think.

In keeping with everybody’s unavoidable requirement to take full personal responsibility for all our own thoughts—in Billy’s matchless way, he leads his readers into a fascinating territory which has, until now and for all of recorded history, been covetously concealed from us by the religious, political, social and cultural powers-that-be, being the enslaving, misogynistic and disempowering minions of the Bafath, also known as the Giza Intelligences—the ancient, malign, extraterrestrial string-pullers (arrested, deported and imprisoned by the armed forces of the Plejaren Federation in May 1978) of our own fellow Earthlings we know as the ruling/untouchable elite, also known as the “money powers”, or the “High Cabal” (to use Winston Churchill’s term), and so on and so forth, or, to use Billy’s own term for them in The Goblet of Truth, simply the “Order of Darkness”. They will NOT like this book!

Taking almost two years to complete, The Might of the Thoughts, in spite of (or perhaps because of) all its daunting translation challenges, now provides a readable map, which we can now effectively explore and share, of a powerful realm of mighty thoughts. And it reveals the priceless personal treasures which are waiting to be found in that previously hidden empire, which, once they are simply accepted, finally endow us with all the tools we need to actually save and revolutionise our one beautiful beleaguered planet.

  • Author: Billy Eduard Albert Meier
  • Translators: Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine
  • Publisher: FIGU-Landesgruppe Australia
  • Publish Date: 2020
  • Language: Bilingual: German and English
  • Pages: 464
  • Size: DIN A5
  • Weight: Approx. 740g
  • Binding: Hardback
  • ISBN-13: 9780992449728
  • Price: NZD88 free shipping within New Zealand 

The Way to Live

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When human beings harm the ones next to them, then they first and foremost harm themselves because their own evolution is thereby inhibited. But progress is the effective recommendation of the life, in order to grow in knowledge, love, peace, wisdom and harmony, whereby the law of the creational plan and way is fulfilled, so that the sense of the human life shall be directed at evolving and becoming knowing and wise, in order to one day go into the Creation in the highest form achievable regarding this, and to become one with it.

Billy explained in 502 statements, how a person can and should live his life, if one is willing to align with the creative truth, one can recognize the life, the character and the thinking of other people.

Excerpt from the Forward to “The Way to Live” by Bernadette Brandt, page XXV: ‘‘ The reader of this book encounters his/her own experiences and cognitions, presented in new and yet so old contexts, through which the life and its value are explained to him/her.

He/she discovers that he/she gives too little heedfulness to, or pushes aside as something insignificant, much of that which he/she comes across in everyday life, that which he/she observes or that which happens to him/her, although it could actually be a help for him/her in order for him/her to master his/her life with less effort and more certainty.

On the other hand, he/she also learns how a healthy human being, who is inwardly free and peaceable, reacts in different situations, and how to recognise human beings whose world view is harmed or destroyed.

In 502 long and short verses, in sections and explanations, the interested and open reader is given an understanding of the human being in his/her life and striving. It is explained to him/her how he himself / she herself can and ought to form his/her life if he/she is willing to direct himself/herself according to the creational truth, and he/she also comes to learn wherein he/she can recognise the mode of life and mode of thinking of other human beings, and their character. ’’

  • Author: Billy Eduard Albert Meier
  • Translators: Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine
  • Publisher: FIGU-Landesgruppe Australia
  • Publish Date: November 2015
  • Language: Bilingual: German and English
  • Pages: 487
  • Size: DIN A5
  • Weight: Approx. 770g
  • Binding: Hardback
  • ISBN-13: 9780992449711
  • Price: NZD88 free shipping within New Zealand 

Introduction to Meditation

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This is an introduction to truth meditation, its application and its benefits to human life.

The teaching of meditation is the spiritual teaching for self-cognition, which is based in the recognition of that which is truly real and the mastering/controlling of all factors of the spiritual and physical life.

The teaching of meditation is the teaching of *Gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit, which is based in absolute logic according to the laws of sevenness, explained in the value of the *Gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit.

* Gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit means: ‘‘ To achieve a result without tension, force, energy effort or strength etc. Concerning meditation it means that the goal is set, namely meditation and performing it, but then it is just performed, without any thought of ‘I will’, ‘I want’, ‘I have to’, etc. Just doing and letting it happen. ’’ —Christian Frehner

Introduction to Meditation allows the human being to learn meditation through one’s own study. Therefore he/she does not need to visit ‘gurus’ and ‘yogis’, who, for much money, want to make him/her believe that they could bring him/her ‘salvation’, although thereby they only make him/her dependent, exploit him/her, poison his/her thinking and consequently enslave him/her in his/her consciousness.

The study of meditation, however, is very hard and requires much commitment, willingness to learn and perseverance, if the human being wants to enjoy the unsurpassable gifts of consciousness.

Meditation does not simply serve the purpose of relaxation, which is why it is also recommended by doctors. No, it serves especially the self-disciplining of the human being, the schooling of his/her consciousness, the cognition and the creating of inner peace and equalisedness, and the actual mastering of life in general.

If the human being studies this book accurately and heedfully, and acts according to the presented knowledge, then these and many other cognitions will be granted to him/her.

  • Author: Billy Eduard Albert Meier
  • Translators: Vibka Wallder
  • Publisher: FIGU-Landesgruppe Australia
  • Publish Date: January 2021
  • Language: Bilingual: German and English
  • Pages: 461
  • Size: DIN A5
  • Weight: Approx. 730g
  • Binding: Hardback
  • ISBN-13: 9780992449735
  • Price: NZD88 free shipping within New Zealand